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Archived Cybersecurity Blogs

6 Essential Tips for Ensuring Physical Security and Safeguarding AV Communications

We talk a lot about cybersecurity in our posts because it’s on the top of almost everyone’s mind today. What often gets lost in the conversation is the need for sound physical security practices and securing AV communications. These areas are also vital if you want to fully protect your data and business. As our CEO wrote in a recent post, “physical security and good AV tools are keystones for success.” At the same time, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has written about the convergence of physical security and digital security, even offering a Cybersecurity and Physical Security Convergence Guide.

Adam Burke

Key Cybersecurity Concerns: Protecting End-to-End Operations

Every IT pro that is responsible for protecting their organization’s data has plenty of cybersecurity concerns. That can be especially daunting when you look at protecting end-to-end operations, where crucial data is being generated and used throughout your organization. As our CEO noted in a recent post, with ransomware, phishing, and ineffective patch management now the top cybersecurity threats, those concerns will continue to grow.

Jon Bolden

Key considerations for a secure cloud infrastructure

If your organization isn’t already using the cloud today, you will likely be soon. Gartner says that “More than half of enterprise IT spending in key market segments will shift to the cloud by 2025.” But cloud security is a crucial concern for any organization, given recent headlines. And, with cloud cybersecurity becoming even more complex with hybrid- or multi-cloud infrastructures, it’s hard to know where you should focus your efforts.

Jon Bolden

Don’t get left behind: How your business can achieve CMMC compliance

The DOD adopted CMMC just prior to 2021 to enforce the protection of federal contract information and ensure control of unclassified information throughout its supply chain. That information is referred to as Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). It is defined as digital and physical information created by a government or entity on its behalf that, while not classified, is still sensitive and requires protection. Even though it isn’t classified, this information can be secret or top secret. Past supply-chain breaches that may have exposed some of this very sensitive information that could adversely impact national security have made headlines.

Jon Bolden

5 ways to improve security for remote employees and decrease your risk of a cyberattack

In mid-2021, Gartner forecast that more than half of global knowledge workers would be remote by the end of the year. While those year-end numbers aren’t in yet, if you’re in IT, you’re already dealing with this growing trend, not necessarily in a good way. A global industry study found that 74% of organizations attribute recent cyberattacks that affected their business to vulnerabilities resulting from pandemic-driven changes like the massive spike we’ve seen in remote and mobile workforces.

Jon Bolden

Strategies to Mitigate Work-From-Home Risk

The dispersed workplace creates new kinds of cyber threats, and many organizations face urgent cybersecurity challenges. The rise in remote and hybrid work environments brought about by the pandemic was estimated by Gartner to include 51 % of global workers at the end of this past year. And the prevalence of Work From Home (WFH) will almost certainly continue.

Jon Bolden

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