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Archived Partner Blogs

Accelerating the technology solution conversation

Selling technology solutions means your outcomes will be more complex and will require greater technical reach and expertise.

Your focus shifts from dangling the lowest commodity prices before an ever-churning customer base to providing technology that’s so effective at improving business processes and solving business problems that your customers turn to you again and again. This brings you into deeper, longer-term relationships with your customers. And the customers you engage will typically be key decision-makers, such as CFOs and CEOs.

Adam Burke

5 technology solutions partnering must-haves

For many who want to move toward selling technology solutions, partnership provides a path to the greatest potential for relatively less financial risk than other routes.

The right solutions partner will support your transition to solution selling by enabling you to …

Adam Burke

Meet the technology solution selling sweet spot

The most successful technology solution sell is the one that nails this sweet spot:

Thus as you shift from transaction sales, you’ll need to make a serious commitment not only to mastering the art of technology solution sales but also to …

Developing significantly deeper relationships with your customers, and
Accessing the technical skills that will enable you to tailor a mix of vendor solutions to fit your customers’ unique requirements.

Adam Burke

The 7 payoffs of solution-oriented technology selling

Upending a business model that you’ve lived by for years is very tough. It can be hard to believe that just a short distance from where you’re standing there’s a more stable, more lucrative approach to selling technology.

So I offer a list of reasons for shifting to a solutions model. This is only a part of the journey — but understanding these payoffs is a crucial and necessary first step.

Adam Burke

Solutions-Oriented, Relationship-Based Technology Selling: Not Beyond Your Reach

For many years, there’s been a good living to be made from hardware, software, and communications bandwidth sales transactions. Good enough, in fact, that getting called a ‘box pusher’ or a ‘circuit slinger’ kept you laughing all the way to the bank.

Ah, but times they are a-changin’. Many businesses have cut CapEx budgets that traditionally funded so much hardware and software. Now more and more customers seek solutions rather than boxes and circuits. And commissions are getting squeezed, requiring more work just to sustain the same income level.

Adam Burke

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