Studies show that many companies are migrating data to the cloud to make disaster recovery easier and cheaper. More and more organizations have come to realize that disaster recovery (DR) planning needs to be a core component of their operations.
Getting help from a data center service provider can harden your security position, protect against unplanned downtime, and free up capital, as well as your team’s bandwidth. Many businesses utilize managed cloud services for their data storage, application management, backup, and recovery; however, as I discussed in a recent blog
Quest CEO Tim Burke joined Paul and Adam Burke on a recent episode of Spilling the IT to talk about The Quest Way. I recently sat down with Paul and Adam for a “Spilling the IT” show. During our time together, we covered a wide range of topics, including my early tech career, how I approach business, what I’m watching on TV these days, and my latest book recommendation.
Whatever your line of work, you need technology products and software best suited to your business goals.
“The cloud lives in huge data centers scattered around the world.
I recently re-watched the second episode of Spilling the IT, in which Adam Burke, Quest’s Vice President for Sales and Partnerships, talked about cloud services and licensing, and I’d like to expand on some ideas he brought up.”
Managed Service Providers can augment your organization’s IT infrastructure with a flexible team of professionals for a set monthly rate.
Adam Burke, Quest’s Vice President of Sales and Partnerships, was recently discussing managed services in his Spilling the IT video series, and I wanted to elaborate further. Along with managed services he discussed IT infrastructure services; IT professional services, security, and scalability