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Archived CEO Blogs

The importance of cloud-transforming technologies

Did you know that the typical cloud user leverages six clouds on average and 80% of enterprise IT organizations will commit to hybrid clouds this year?

Here, then, is a quick look at the transformative change now occurring under the hybrid, multi-cloud hood:

Accelerated cloud workload automation
For the sake of platform-independence, cloud workload automation is reaching above the orchestration layer to ease application management and accelerate app delivery by speeding up both initial deployment and ongoing DevOps integration.

Tim Burke

The cloud in 2017: 3 trends to watch out for

In this age of the restless customer – not merely digital-centric but also “adventurous, experimental, and downright fickle” – I notice three crucial cloud-shaping trends:

1   The shadow IT underground
Business units everywhere buy cloud services without IT department approval in a mass decentralization of IT “authority.”

Why? Because these cloud services help business units stay competitive, responsive, and innovative at a time when 40% of consumers have expressed “a high willingness and ability to shift spend,” and another 25% are leaning that way .

Tim Burke

Choosing a business resilience service provider

In my last post, I described key capabilities needed to achieve the IT resilience that’s become so critical to sustaining business resilience in an always-on world.

Getting those capabilities to work for your business takes more than a pro–vider with appropriate IT service/product offerings. You’ll also need a provider with considerable depth of business experience and understanding as well as a vendor–neutral willingness to customize and integrate available technologies.

It’s this combination of technology, business, and integration acumen that puts IT resilience – and business resilience – within your reach.

Tim Burke

Of IT resilience and business recovery: From days to hours to minutes to seconds with 6 capabilities

As I’ve noted, IT resilience requires designing for the continuous availability of all business processes, workflows, technologies, and policies needed for always-on operations.

To do this, you need outwardly-focused, cloud-conscious backup and business recovery solutions able to provide continuous data protection and end-to-end recovery automation regardless of what’s in your IT environment or how/where it changes.

Tim Burke

Consider This about Unified Communications

Bringing integration and efficiency to your organization’s communications technologies? I recommend you keep these matters front-of-mind:

Your budget, your legacy. Older communications installations may not do well in Unified Communications (UC) architectures — so do you attempt to bring along what you already have or replace it?

This decision impacts your network. If you haven’t been keeping up with users’ demands for connectivity, a successful UC deployment may require more capacity than you currently possess.

Tim Burke

Uh oh, downtime!

The impacts of downtime on a business can be devastating, as this cringe–inducing chart reveals:

Downtime impacts
Source: 3 Steps to IT Resilience, Forrester

Tim Burke

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