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Need Co-lo Answers? Here’s What to Ask First

May 11 2017 CEO Blog ImageAt Quest, we have noticed an interesting pattern among our co-location customers.

At first they use our co-lo facilities for secondary backup, but they soon grasp the advantages of co-location in our data centers — the high levels of security, the technical expertise, the redundancies in network connections and power and data backup. This inspires them to transition some production facilities to our co-lo sites.

Then, facing a major, technically challenging upgrade of their on-prem data center, they opt to migrate the rest of their IT operations to our co-lo sites while engaging a separate Quest data center site to handle their data backup requirements.

Of course, everyone’s needs are different. Deciding whether and how your enterprise can benefit from co-location begins with addressing a few basic questions:

What are my goals? Answer this strategically first — in business terms — and then translate those answers into technology requirements.

How do my business units use IT? How will competitive demands and business requirements force this to change going forward? These insights will help you avoid shortsighted and needlessly costly choices.

How does my enterprise use cloud services now? What are my future cloud plans? This matters because the co-lo/cloud connections you’ll want vary among providers.

A trusted technology partner can help you make the links between your business goals and the ways that colocation and cloud/managed services can keep your enterprise healthy and thriving.

Meet the Author
Tim Burke is the President and CEO of Quest. He has been at the helm for over 30 years.
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