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Archived CEO Blogs

How to Avoid Major Disaster Recovery Pitfalls and Secure Your DR Plan

Not only can disaster strike at any time, it likely will, and your business’s very survival could depend on its disaster recovery (DR) capabilities. The evidence is clear: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts an above-normal hurricane season, and much of the West is in extreme drought and prone to devastating fires that in the past have destroyed businesses and critical infrastructure. In one recent survey of 5,600 IT pros, 66% said disaster struck their organization in another form having been hit by ransomware in 2021. The pace and sophistication of cyberattacks continue to grow, as I pointed out in my blog describing the variety of attack vectors coming at you.

Tim Burke

7 Ways to Improve Security for Remote Workers

In the last two years, we all witnessed a startling adjustment which forever changed the business landscape—due to a pandemic. While business managers stepped up to work through the logistical headaches created by a burgeoning remote workforce, there was a parallel, but insidious problem brewing within the business environment that needed to be addressed. That is, this new development required remote work cybersecurity policies and practices be established in order to keep organizations safe from the explosion of cybercrime.

Tim Burke

5 Reasons to Choose an All-Encompassing IT Solution Provider

Most executives think of their Information Technology as just one element of their business, when their IT department is, in fact, the crucial underpinning allowing them to fulfill their mission. When it comes to IT solutions providers supporting those efforts, business leaders sometimes employ a strategy more arbitrary than a deliberate, orchestrated approach—going to one provider for telephones/VOIP, another for cybersecurity, a third for virtualization, servers, and network equipment, and so on.

Tim Burke

AV Systems Design for Effective Business Communications

You already know that effective meetings are central to your organization’s success. For most businesses today, many meetings are remote, and good AV systems design can be a force multiplier—dramatically improving every meeting’s efficiency, sparking creativity, and delivering results to your bottom line.

Tim Burke

The Number One Reason Companies Fear Cloud Migration: What’s the Truth?

Fear is a primitive emotion—a survival response that evolved to keep us out of harm’s way. Unfortunately, fear can also prevent us from taking necessary steps that appear risky. For example, many business owners and CEOs know they should be migrating their technology management to the cloud but resist because they fear such a move threatens their organization’s security.

Tim Burke

How Cloud Backup Services Can Help With Disaster Recovery

Every day, there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created. That’s 2.5 followed by 17 zeroes—a lot of data—and all of it is more valuable, and more vulnerable, than ever before. As a result of these hard facts, disaster recovery needs to be part of every organization’s workflow.

Managed cloud backup services and disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) offer you a sure way to get that done, so you can protect your data and your company without distracting yourself or your team from your core mission

Tim Burke

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