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Archived CEO Blogs

Achieving business continuity: 7 strategic best practices

When it comes to risk management, best practices begin with best strategies:

1 Take the time to realistically assess your enterprise’s vulnerabilities
In one recent survey , increased reliance on technology itself and increasing business complexity ranked second and fourth as drivers of increased risk.

Tim Burke

Risky Business: What’s lurking in your risk landscape?

Businesses have always faced risks. In the 1920s, shopkeepers in small Midwestern towns were issued surplus World War I rifles so they could run into the street and shoot skedaddling bank robbers.

But risks evolve, as do the ways any given risk may impact your business.

Tim Burke

Beyond the Co-lo Checklist: Tech Services — or Landlord?

Thinking about renting space in a co-location facility?

I suggest you visit any site you’re considering with the usual due-diligence checklist that addresses matters of security, compliance, environmental risks, power redundancy, and networking capabilities.

This checklist will get you only so far, however. You’ll need to keep a couple of other co-location considerations front-of-mind, too

Tim Burke

10 networking capabilities to look for in your services provider

The right services provider can ease the burdens of sustaining your network performance. But take care in choosing one. You can start by asking and answering whether the services provider you’re considering can…

1  Scale in tandem with your business?
Meeting both your current and (often unexpected) future needs requires a services provider that’s been successful at combining breadth and depth of capabilities — cloud as well as managed services; data centers, co-location, and network operations centers; vendor-neutral needs assessments; and diverse professional services.

Tim Burke

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