These days, one of the biggest challenges your customers face is keeping their data, apps, and infrastructure secure from malware , hackers , and thieves .
Quest can help you keep your customers safe and identify vulnerabilities that are often overlooked. With comprehensive state-of-the-art security capabilities, Quest has built the understanding that to be effective, security measures need to work together in awareness of each other. That’s why we customize, integrate, and fine-tune our security offerings to precisely fit your customers’ particular needs.
Of course, plenty of your customers may be unable to identify the nature of their security vulnerabilities. After all, attack vectors are constantly shifting. This year, many worry about mobile malware, hacktivism, botnets and monster DDOS attacks, insider threats, inadequate authentication … The list goes on because it’s always changing.
Quest can help you get your customers’ security requirements into focus with our security-oriented scans, assessments, and reviews, which include …
- Malware Assessmen t — find out how well you’d weather a malware attack,
- Application Security Scan — one application scanned to help identify any security gaps or vulnerabilities,
- Firewall Review — a remote scan via secure communication followed by recommendations, and
- Security Review/Security for the Half-Day — a vulnerability scan followed by discussion and Quest recommendations
These are great conversation starters, designed to get your customers thinking about what security vulnerabilities they face and what they can do to alleviate them.
Keep in mind that you don’t need deep security experience to launch these conversations with your customers. That’s what Quest experts are for.
Bring Quest along when you visit your customers so we can help them evaluate their security options. Our security solutions complement the other services we offer— each of which can lead to new opportunities for your business. And every time you sell a Quest service, you get a piece of the recurring revenue from each subscription you bring in.
We’re here to help you grow your business and provide your customers with cost-effective and customized security solutions.