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What is Co-location?
What is Co-location?

Modern businesses must ensure their IT infrastructure is robust, secure, and scalable. Co-location services have emerged as an effective way to achieve this goal, allowing organizations to maximize value and performance alike. We’re taking a closer look at what co-location services are, their key benefits, and what you need to know to choose the best co-location provider for your business.

Tim Burke

3 Key Phases of Wireless Network Design
3 Key Phases of Wireless Network Design

Wireless network design is a complex topic, but understanding its intricacies is necessary for any business aiming to remain connected and competitive today. Wireless technology is becoming increasingly central to providing seamless operations, and this trend will persist as the digital era continues, so embracing this technology and building well-designed networks will provide countless benefits. To help you on your way, this article will explore the key phases and considerations of wireless network design for businesses, outlining the essential steps that produce a well-structured result.

Vlad Pivtorak

Understanding the Key Differences between DoS and DDoS Attacks
Understanding the Key Differences between DoS and DDoS Attacks

Technology has become a fundamental cornerstone of modern business, with organizations investing millions to secure their infrastructure against cyber threats. Any attack on availability can ruin reputations and cause massive revenue losses in this interconnected world. Two of the most critical threats to availability are Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. In this article, we will discuss the fundamental differences between these two attacks and the mitigation strategies that you can implement to protect your business against them.

Adam Burke

Staying Ahead of Threats with Cyber Risk Management and Monitoring
Staying Ahead of Threats with Cyber Risk Management and Monitoring

For businesses operating in our modern, interconnected world, cyber risk management and monitoring are crucial for safeguarding digital assets and ensuring operational continuity. As a growing number of organizations increasingly rely on digital solutions – from cloud services to remote operations – their vulnerability to cyber threats grows exponentially. In this discussion of the essential practices of cyber risk management, we’ll provide key insights into how organizations can protect themselves against the pervasive risks that lurk within the digital landscape.

Tim Burke

How to Outsource Application Development with Success
How to Outsource Application Development with Success

Developing a functional, efficient, and innovative application has become a common goal as businesses accelerate their digital presence; however, not every organization has the in-house expertise to execute this task. This has led to a high demand for outsourcing app development. Leveraging outside talent can make it easier to elevate your app’s quality, ensure that it is built on the latest technological backbone, and speed up its time to market.

Ray Aldrich

What is Data Exfiltration and How Can You Prevent It?
What is Data Exfiltration and How Can You Prevent It?

Data is easily one of the most valuable assets your business possesses, making it a prime target for cybercriminals. If a successful data exfiltration attack makes your data fall into the wrong hands, the consequences can be devastating, so it’s crucial to understand and prepare for this type of cybersecurity incident. In this article, we’re taking an in-depth look at the complexities of data exfiltration. We’ll examine how it occurs, explain the techniques used by cybercriminals, and provide effective strategies to detect and prevent the theft of your data.

Tim Burke

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