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5 Common Active Directory Attack Methods
5 Common Active Directory Attack Methods

Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and the importance of cybersecurity in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) has never been more significant. In today’s interconnected world, a strong cybersecurity posture is not just a benefit, but rather an essential part of any M&A strategy. This guide aims to shed light on the role of cybersecurity in M&A, highlighting its crucial role in ensuring successful deals.

Tim Burke

The Role of Cybersecurity in Mergers and Acquisitions
The Role of Cybersecurity in Mergers and Acquisitions

Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and the importance of cybersecurity in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) has never been more significant. In today’s interconnected world, a strong cybersecurity posture is not just a benefit, but rather an essential part of any M&A strategy. This guide aims to shed light on the role of cybersecurity in M&A, highlighting its crucial role in ensuring successful deals.

Tim Burke

What is Active Directory Security and Why is it Crucial?
What is Active Directory Security and Why is it Crucial?

More likely than not, your IT team relies heavily on Active Directory services to organize and complete a broad range of everyday processes. But when was the last time you thought about Active Directory security? In this detailed guide, we’re touching on the basics of Active Directory services, then delving into everything you need to know about prioritizing security in this area.

Tim Burke

EDR vs. MDR: 5 Key Differences to Consider
EDR vs. MDR: 5 Key Differences to Consider

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Managed Detection and Response (MDR) are two excellent solutions that organizations can leverage to enhance their cybersecurity posture and protect their critical assets and data from cyber threats. But what is the difference between EDR and MDR , and how do they stack up against each other in the grand scheme of your cybersecurity strategy?

Tim Burke

What’s the Difference Between 2FA and MFA?
What’s the Difference Between 2FA and MFA?

It wasn’t long ago that many of the conversations surrounding cybersecurity focused on the necessity of selecting strong, high-quality passwords. But now, as cyber threats become increasingly advanced and prevalent, it is essential to establish multiple “layers” of security, or authentication factors, to effectively protect accounts, data, and assets.

Tim Burke

How to Effectively Conduct a Cloud Security Assessment
How to Effectively Conduct a Cloud Security Assessment

Cloud security is becoming an increasingly important concern for organizations of all sizes. With the vast amount of sensitive information being stored and processed in the cloud, as well as the sharp increase in remote work, it is essential to ensure that the cloud environment is secure and protected from potential cyber threats.

Tim Burke

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