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CEO Blogs

How to Defend against and Recover from a Ransomware Attack
How to Defend against and Recover from a Ransomware Attack

Ransomware attacks are a potent cybersecurity threat involving malicious software programs that encrypt an organization’s files and demand payment for their release. As businesses increasingly digitize their operations, the potential fallout from these attacks grows in scale and complexity, encompassing both data access and potential data theft, reputation damage, and significant fiscal repercussions. Understanding how to safeguard against ransomware—and recover if worst comes to worst—is vital for modern organizations looking to effectively protect their digital assets.

Tim Burke

The Importance of Technology Due Diligence in Mergers and Acquisitions
The Importance of Technology Due Diligence in Mergers and Acquisitions

As global commerce evolves, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) remain a crucial strategy for companies seeking expansion, diversification, and increased market share. However, to ensure these transitions go smoothly, assessments must be conducted and information must be gathered. To accomplish this, companies must perform IT due diligence.

Tim Burke

How to Conduct a Cyber Threat Analysis
How to Conduct a Cyber Threat Analysis

The cyber threat analysis process goes beyond basic security measures, serving as a crucial tool for organizations to pinpoint, evaluate, and prevent potential vulnerabilities and attack attempts. When it comes to cybersecurity, knowledge truly is power, and effective threat analyses can arm you with ample information to take well-informed steps towards better-fortified defenses.

Tim Burke

Defending Your Organization Against Cybersecurity Insider Threats
Defending Your Organization Against Cybersecurity Insider Threats

Although external threats often dominate the headlines of cybersecurity news, insider threats should be a major concern as well. These silent and insidious attacks can inflict deep-seated damage to an organization’s infrastructure and reputation. Learning how to recognize, understand, and mitigate these threats is paramount to a well-rounded security strategy and the digital safety of your organization.

Tim Burke

How to Tell if Your Information is On the Dark Web
How to Tell if Your Information is On the Dark Web

In an era dominated by digital transformation, the value of data has skyrocketed. However, as organizations harness the power of data, there is a shadowy side to the internet where this information can be compromised: the dark web. For businesses, breaches can mean not just financial losses but also reputational damage. In this guide, we’ll explore how to know if your information is on the dark web, what to do if your data has been compromised, and what preventive measures can be taken to guard against this digital underworld.

Tim Burke

Harnessing the Power of Log Analytics for Your Business
Harnessing the Power of Log Analytics for Your Business

Modern businesses have an array of technologies and applications that are constantly generating vast amounts of log data. Contrary to what some may believe, this data isn’t just noise—it’s a veritable gold mine of actionable insights. By harnessing the power of log analytics, businesses can unearth patterns, enhance security, boost performance, and streamline operations.

Tim Burke

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